Extreme climate events pose an ever-increasing threat to savannas around the world. However, the ability of these mixed woodland-grassland ecosystems to resist periods of drought can be improved with a higher number of browsing herbivores - i.e., animals such as...

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If she hits just the right pitch, a singer can shatter a wine glass. The reason is resonance. While the glass may vibrate slightly in response to most acoustic tones, a pitch that resonates with the material’s own natural frequency can send its vibrations into...

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How do plants defend themselves against pathogenic micro-organisms? This is a complex puzzle, of which a team of biologists from the University of Amsterdam has solved a new piece. The team, led by Harrold van den Burg, discovered that while the water pores...

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Una ricerca, pubblicata di recente sulla rivista Acs Nano, condotta dall’Istituto di nanotecnologia del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche di Lecce (Cnr-Nanotec) in collaborazione con un gruppo di ricerca del Politecnico di Torino, insieme a l’Instituto Biofisika...

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Una collaborazione di ricerca guidata dall'ETH di Zurigo e dal MIT riceverà altri 15 milioni di dollari dalla Simons Foundation di New York per studiare il comportamento dei batteri marini e delle microalghe. La ricerca si concentrerà sulle comunità microbiche che...

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Inspired by the dynamic colour-changing skin of organisms such as squid, University of Toronto researchers have developed a multilayered fluidic system that can reduce the energy costs of heating, cooling and lighting buildings. The platform, which optimizes the...

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What is love? Scientists want to know, too. But, it turns out, they may have been looking in the wrong places. Stanford Medicine researchers and colleagues at two other institutions report surprising results from a study that turns a dogma concerning the biology of...

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Uno studio guidato dall’Università Statale di Milano pubblicato su Cell Reports riporta il genoma completo della rondine e apre la strada all’identificazione dei geni che controllano importanti caratteri quali la migrazione e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. La...

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Importante passo avanti nella ricerca grazie al lavoro del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari dell’Università di Urbino. Dalla sua comparsa nel 2019, il coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsabile della malattia respiratoria nota come Covid-19, si è rapidamente diffuso...

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Using bottlebrush-shaped particles, researchers can identify and deliver synergistic combinations of cancer drugs. Treating cancer with combinations of drugs can be more effective than using a single drug. However, figuring out the optimal combination of drugs, and...

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Il riscaldamento globale rappresenta una minaccia sempre più critica, non solo a livello globale ma anche su scala locale, con conseguenze ambientali, sociali ed economiche significative. Un aumento nella frequenza e nell'intensità degli eventi meteorologici estremi,...

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