With a constellation of five satellites, the international LIFE initiative led by ETH Zurich hopes to one day detect traces of life on exoplanets. A laboratory experiment in the Department of Physics is now set to demonstrate the planned measurement method. “It’s an...

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I ricercatori dell’Istituto dei sistemi complessi del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche e della Sapienza Università di Roma hanno sviluppato un polarimetro “intelligente” ultra-veloce e super-compatto che permette di utilizzare la polarizzazione della luce per...

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Searching across deep time to understand “ecogenesis”

Searching across deep time to understand “ecogenesis”

Geobiologist Greg Fournier seeks to uncover the conditions leading to the emergence of life. In Greg Fournier’s line of work - studying living systems that developed billions of years ago - outstanding questions far outnumber established answers. “Often, we have very...

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Un team di astronomi guidato dal ricercatore Luca Di Mascolo dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste ha osservato per la prima volta le fasi iniziali di formazione di un ammasso di galassie. Gli ammassi di galassie sono le strutture cosmiche gravitazionalmente legate...

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Graphene is the strongest of all materials. On top of that, it is exceptionally good at conducting heat and electrical currents, making it one of the most special and versatile materials we know. For all these reasons, the discovery of graphene was awarded the Nobel...

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Stonehenge continua ad attirare l’attenzione di studiosi e ricercatori a più di quattro millenni dalla sua costruzione. Il Professor Giulio Magli del Politecnico di Milano e il Professor Juan Antonio Belmonte dell’Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias e Universidad de...

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In 2017, a mysterious comet dubbed ‘Oumuamua fired the imaginations of scientists and the public alike. It was the first known visitor from outside our solar system, it had no bright coma or dust tail, like most comets, and a peculiar shape - something between a cigar...

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Researchers at ETH Zurich achieved a shape memory effect for the first time with objects that are only a few nanometers in size. This can be used to manufacture tiny machinery and robotic devices on the nanoscale. Alloys that can return to their original structure...

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In tre articoli pubblicati di recente su Nature vengono descritti i primi risultati del lancio della sonda DART della Nasa, di cui il Politecnico di Milano è partner scientifico. Deviare la traiettoria di un asteroide in rotta di collisione con la Terra mediante un...

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