Computing systems that appear to generate brain-like activity may be the result of researchers guiding them to a specific outcome. Neural networks, a type of computing system loosely modeled on the organization of the human brain, form the basis of many artificial...

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Researchers develop a technique for precisely arranging nanoscale particles on a surface, such as a silicon chip, that doesn’t damage the material. Researchers at MIT have developed a technique for precisely controlling the arrangement and placement of nanoparticles...

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A new method uses optics to accelerate machine-learning computations on smart speakers and other low-power connected devices. Ask a smart home device for the weather forecast, and it takes several seconds for the device to respond. One reason this latency occurs is...

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Gli impianti neurali possono aiutare a curare disturbi cerebrali come il morbo di Parkinson e l'epilessia modulando direttamente le attività anormali e Xilin Liu dell'Università di Toronto sta lavorando con la microelettronica e l'intelligenza artificiale per rendere...

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Chemical engineers at EPFL have developed a machine-learning model that can accurately predict the heat capacity of the versatile metal-organic framework materials. The work shows that the overall energy costs of carbon-capture processes could be much lower than...

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Creato da Neal Stephenson nel suo romanzo di fantascienza del 1992 The Virtual Samurai, il termine metaverso è tornato alla ribalta da quando Meta, nell'autunno del 2021, ha annunciato che Mark Zuckerberg aveva deciso di investire massicciamente nei mondi virtuali....

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MIT researchers demonstrate an intracellular antenna that's compatible with 3D biological systems and can operate wirelessly inside a living cell. Researchers at the MIT Media Lab have designed a miniature antenna that can operate wirelessly inside of a living cell,...

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The device senses and wirelessly transmits signals related to pulse, sweat, and ultraviolet exposure, without bulky chips or batteries. Wearable sensors are ubiquitous thanks to wireless technology that enables a person’s glucose concentrations, blood pressure, heart...

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1492, aux origines de l’alpinisme

Aosta, 10 dicembre 2024. À l’occasion de l’International Mountain Day, l’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste, la Bibliothèque régionale et l’Académie de Saint-Anselme organisent le 18 décembre 2024, à 17h30, à la Bibliothèque régionale d'Aoste (2, Rue Tour du Lépreux) une...

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A Venezia, “Dialoghi sull’ombra”

A Venezia, “Dialoghi sull’ombra”

Il 13 dicembre 2024, alle ore 09:00, presso l'Aula Tafuri - Palazzo Badoer dell'Università IUAV di Venezia si terrà il Seminario Internazionale di studi "Dialoghi all'ombra", primo evento del progetto The song of Plato’s cave A musical-video project by:  David...

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