Un gruppo di ricercatori e ricercatrici, guidati dall’igienista di Unimore Prof. Marco Vinceti, ha indagato sulle correlazioni tra la riduzione della mobilità conseguente ai lockdown e l’efficacia del contenimento del COVID-19. L’articolo, appena pubblicato sulla...

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Cheap and quick to produce, these digitally manufactured plasma sensors could help scientists predict the weather or study climate change. MIT scientists have created the first completely digitally manufactured plasma sensors for orbiting spacecraft. These plasma...

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Il nuovo sistema identifica i pazienti a rischio per una malattia difficile da rilevare e dal decorso assai rapido. I pazienti hanno il 20% di probabilità in meno di morire di sepsi (o setticemia) perché un nuovo sistema di intelligenza artificiale sviluppato presso...

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Researchers develop tools to help data scientists make the features used in machine-learning models more understandable for end users. Explanation methods that help users understand and trust machine-learning models often describe how much certain features used in the...

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By tracing the steps of liver regrowth, MIT engineers hope to harness the liver’s regenerative abilities to help treat chronic disease. The human liver has amazing regeneration capabilities: even if up to 70 percent of it is removed, the remaining tissue can regrow a...

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MIT alumni-founded Overjet analyzes and annotates dental X-rays to help dentists offer more comprehensive care. When you picture a hospital radiologist, you might think of a specialist who sits in a dark room and spends hours poring over X-rays to make diagnoses....

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Inspired by fireflies, researchers create insect-scale robots that can emit light when they fly, which enables motion tracking and communication. Fireflies that light up dusky backyards on warm summer evenings use their luminescence for communication - to attract a...

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Imagine taking a few photos with your mobile phone and quickly converting them into a 3D scene that you could navigate. This may soon be possible with a new technology developed by UC Berkeley researchers that can reconstruct photorealistic 3D worlds in just minutes —...

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Dopo anni di ricerca e mesi di prove nei laboratori universitari, i ricercatori Tommaso Campi, Silvano Cruciani e Mauro Feliziani dell’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila e Francesca Maradei dell’Università Sapienza di Roma, in collaborazione con lo spin-off accademico...

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EPFL scientists have built a compact waveguide amplifier by successfully incorporating rare-earth ions into integrated photonic circuits. The device produces record output power compared to commercial fiber amplifiers, a first in the development of integrated...

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I trend e le prospettive di utilizzo delle memorie a commutazione resistiva (memorie memristive) sono al centro dell'articolo "Memristive technologies for data storage, computation, encryption, and radio-frequency communication”, scritto dal Prof. Francesco Maria...

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Using this diagnostic, doctors could avoid prescribing antibiotics in cases where they won’t be effective. Many different types of bacteria and viruses can cause pneumonia, but there is no easy way to determine which microbe is causing a particular patient’s illness....

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A Modena, “Lo scienziato e il dinosauro”

A Modena, “Lo scienziato e il dinosauro”

Tempo di dinosauri a Modena grazie alla mostra “Naturale Innaturale. Dinosauri e altre creature”, organizzata da Fondazione AGO con la partecipazione del Sistema Museale di Unimore, e alla conferenza dedicata a “Lo scienziato e il Dinosauro”. Le scoperte dei fossili e...

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