Researchers have found a material that can perform much better than silicon. The next step is finding practical and economic ways to make it. Silicon is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, and in its pure form the material has become the foundation of much of...

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Le differenze nella percezione individuale della temperatura ambientale nello stesso ufficio sono alquanto significative, come mostra una ricerca condotta presso l'EPFL, al punto che la personalizzazione dell'aria condizionata permetterebbe di migliorare il comfort...

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In a proof-of-concept study, researchers from the School of Dental Medicine and School of Engineering and Applied Science shows that a hands-free system could effectively automate the treatment and removal of tooth-decay-causing bacteria and dental plaque. A...

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I ricercatori hanno sviluppato un tessuto comodo e aderente che riconosce le attività di chi lo indossa, come camminare, correre e saltare. Utilizzando un nuovo processo di fabbricazione, i ricercatori del MIT hanno prodotto tessuti intelligenti che si adattano...

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Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder – yet how do we find consensus on a shared amenity such as a neighbourhood? We took a stroll with two ETH architects to discover how they see their role as mediators between the conflicting priorities of urban consolidation,...

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Researchers develop tools to help data scientists make the features used in machine-learning models more understandable for end users. Explanation methods that help users understand and trust machine-learning models often describe how much certain features used in the...

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By tracing the steps of liver regrowth, MIT engineers hope to harness the liver’s regenerative abilities to help treat chronic disease. The human liver has amazing regeneration capabilities: even if up to 70 percent of it is removed, the remaining tissue can regrow a...

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MIT alumni-founded Overjet analyzes and annotates dental X-rays to help dentists offer more comprehensive care. When you picture a hospital radiologist, you might think of a specialist who sits in a dark room and spends hours poring over X-rays to make diagnoses....

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Dopo 60 anni di ricerche infruttuose, un gruppo di ricerca internazionale ha scoperto per la prima volta un nucleo neutro: il tetraneutrone. Di fatto, è riuscito a creare un sistema isolato a quattro neutroni con una energia cinetica relativamente bassa o pressoché...

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Inspired by fireflies, researchers create insect-scale robots that can emit light when they fly, which enables motion tracking and communication. Fireflies that light up dusky backyards on warm summer evenings use their luminescence for communication - to attract a...

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Uno studio dei meteorologi ambientali dell'Università di Friburgo sviluppa scenari tecno-climatici globali e locali che si proiettano fino al 2060. L'energia eolica contribuisce in modo significativo alla trasformazione sostenibile ed alle basse emissioni di CO2 nel...

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We live in the lithium-ion age. Smartphones, electric vehicles, and many other crucial technologies draw their power from these batteries. Inside the batteries, charged ions of lithium travel from the positively charged anode to the negatively charged cathode through...

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Dubai, hub globale per il Made in Italy

Dubai, hub globale per il Made in Italy

Venezia, 4 luglio 2024. Dubai come porta d’accesso al mercato globale per le imprese italiane. È stato questo il tema centrale del convegno “Dubai hub globale per il Made in Italy” tenutosi quest’oggi e organizzato dall’Università Iuav di Venezia, con la...

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