Researchers develop an algorithm that decides when a “student” machine should follow its teacher, and when it should learn on its own. Someone learning to play tennis might hire a teacher to help them learn faster. Because this teacher is (hopefully) a great tennis...

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Un sistema di sensori e interfacce aptiche sarà in grado di dotare i robot-chirurghi di un “senso del tatto”, aprendo così nuove prospettive in operazioni che già ora sono condotte tramite sistemi robotici, e che sono di grande impatto sulla salute delle donne, come i...

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A groundbreaking new technique for engineering biosensors that respond sensitively to specific biomolecules can lead to more precise control over cellular processes for a wide range of therapeutic applications such as cancer treatments. Biosensors are artificial...

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Sperimentato con successo un nuovo modo per far dialogare le protesi delle mani con gli arti fantasma, un'illusione tipica che si registra in molti amputati. La nuova tecnica descritta sulla rivista internazionale Science permette di trasmettere la sensazione di...

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A new study finds people are more creative after waking from the earliest stage of sleep, especially when they are guided to dream about a particular topic. Feeling stuck on a problem that seems unsolvable? You may come up with a creative solution after a short nap -...

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1492, aux origines de l’alpinisme

Aosta, 10 dicembre 2024. À l’occasion de l’International Mountain Day, l’Université de la Vallée d’Aoste, la Bibliothèque régionale et l’Académie de Saint-Anselme organisent le 18 décembre 2024, à 17h30, à la Bibliothèque régionale d'Aoste (2, Rue Tour du Lépreux) une...

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